Doctors of Osteopathy in the US:

  • Are licensed physicians, who have a degree in osteopathic medicine granted by an osteopathic medical college
  • Are certified in any medical or surgical specialty, including osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM).
  • Offer the full spectrum of health care to their patients including an emphasis on disease prevention.
  • Are committed to finding the forces of health within their patients. This perspective recognizes that healing is a process governed by these innate healing forces.
  • Osteopathic practice is the art of communicating with this inner healing power. We do this by using osteopathic manipulative medical techniques, which address the structural issues that are preventing the patient from realizing their full potential for health.    

What is Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine?

  • A healing art in which the physician uses their hands to help the structure of the body and all of its physiologic systems, regain their balance.
  • There are many different types of OMM. The OMM practiced by the physicians at the POCC is gentle and receptive in nature. Even if more vigorous techniques are indicated, they will only be applied with the patient’s full understanding and permission.
  • Our goal is for each child to not only feel better, but to heal better, in body, mind and spirit. When children experience this state of ease and balance, they are happier and better able to meet the demands in their lives.